Wilks Intricate Paintings of 2024 Wall Calendar

By Pomegranate
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Item # 202400006102

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Have you ever dreamed of an Edwardian collar that prevents dandruff? How about a musical instrument powered by gastric emissions? Or a translator for the secret language of eyebrows? These contraptions could only come from the unmatched imagination and art of Mike Wilks. His elaborate illustrations inspired by William Heath Robinson envision a world where even the most mundane tasks have complex machinery to assist in their completion. Note that the title of this calendar is improbable, not impossible. Let these 12 gadgets inspire your creativity throughout the year.
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Item: 202400006102
Have you ever dreamed of an Edwardian collar that prevents dandruff? How about a musical instrument powered by gastric emissions? Or a translator for the secret language of eyebrows? These contraptions could only come from the unmatched imagination and art of Mike Wilks. His elaborate illustrations inspired by William Heath Robinson envision a world where even the most mundane tasks have complex machinery to assist in their completion. Note that the title of this calendar is improbable, not impossible. Let these 12 gadgets inspire your creativity throughout the year.
  • ID: 202400006102
  • Edition ID:
  • By: Pomegranate
  • Format: Wall
  • Size Closed: 12 x 13
  • Size Open: 12 x 26
  • Binding: Stapled
  • Time Span: 12 Month
  • UPC: